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My name is Alex Nivlet. I first discovered Reiki in 2001, after battling with several addictions. Not only did Reiki help me heal on a physical and emotional level, it also gave me a moral code to follow:


- Just for today, I will not anger

- Just for today, I will not worry

- Just for today, I will be kind to all creatures (including yourself)

- Just for today, I will work steadily on your spiritual path

- Just for today, I will be grateful for your many blessings 

Being attuned to Reiki also opened me to the world of energies, which are always present around us. I have since then been attuned to many more healing systems (Usui Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Shamanic Healing, Kundalini Reiki, Metatronia, Seichim, Shambhala, Ra-Sheeba). I use all of these systems together to help people, situations, animals and places. I am a Reiki and Shambhala master, and am currently learning more about other energy healing systems.

I have worked with many different people with various conditions (from period pains to strokes and post-chemotherapy treatment). I believe we are all made of energy and that this energy needs to flow freely for our bodies to function properly. Over time, some energy may get stuck in the body, which in turn generates illnesses. 


My goal is to re-establish the natural flow of energies within your bodies. I work under the guidance  of my healing guides, who ensure that the healing energies I channel, will work for your highest good. 


DISCLAIMER: Energy healing is not designed to replace any medical treatments. Please consult your GP if and when he or she is needed. 

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